Add tabs in Windows Explorer

Tech TricksOne of the better features to become mainstream over the last few years has been the inclusion of tabs in internet browsers. This allows users to search through multiple web pages without having to create an entirely new windows.


But did you know Windows users can also do this in Windows Explorer to manage their files?


You’ll need to download a nifty little app called QTTabBar, which is available here. Download the link, and then follow the prompts to install the program.


Once you’re done, restart your computer. Then, open an Explorer window. Then, click on Organise, then “layout”, and then “menu bar”. Once you’ve done that, on the top of the page select the “view” option, then “toolbars” and then select the “QT TabBar” option.


Then, you can open new folders in tabs by simply dragging them up to the top of the screen. You’ll then be able to switch between windows by clicking on different tabs – just like you do in a web browser.


Please note: installing programs can change settings on your computer and can affect your computer in different ways. If you are not comfortable installing a program yourself, then have a more experienced computer user do it for you.