Ex-Google Apps product lead Bindu Reddy launches Post Intelligence, a social media assistant powered by artificial intelligence

A former product lead at Google Apps is hoping artificial intelligence will be be the key to giving ordinary people more visibility in the crowded world of social media.

Bindu Reddy left her position at Google to develop Post Intelligence, a free social media personal assistant powered by artificial intelligence, which launched on Thursday.

“For normal human beings, social media is always sort of difficult,” the Post Intelligence co-founder and chief executive told Business Insider.

“It was clear that Google was not evolving to be a social company,” Reddy said.

So in 2008, Reddy quit her job as Google Apps’ product lead and began developing My Likes, a platform for social media influencers and publishers of sponsored content, before co-founding Post Intelligence.

According to Post Intelligence, the platform learns how to post “like you”, prompts users with suggestions for content their followers will like, provides audience analytics and uses deep learning to recommend “the best” sponsored content.

Bindu says the platform helps social media users answer a fundamental question: “What do you want to expose to your friends?”

“There are things that people can do easily, but AI lets them go further and faster,” she said.

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