While business and finance experts say access to bank credit remains difficult, companies willing to put in the hard work in preparing their…

While business and finance experts say access to bank credit remains difficult, companies willing to put in the hard work in preparing their…
I’m lucky enough to currently have two investors interested in my business. One has substantial domain experience but the other is prep…
Equity investors have a wealth of experience and that can add so much to the expansion of your business. Here are some of the key issu…
One of the things that drives me up the wall is hearing the local start up community complain that the venture capital market in Australia i…
After a divorce my ex incurred a debt with a major telco. When they couldn’t find her they came after me, with a note on my credit file…
It’s a feeling every business owner knows. The monthly wages bill is due, the work car has just broken down and that big debtor is taking …
When business is booming, many entrepreneurs naturally turn their focus to sexier measurements like sales and profit, but when things slow d…
High growth firms consume cash faster than the businesses can generate it. So while they might be able to generate increasing sales, that in…
There are countless ways for business owners to boost profits. Raising prices and cutting costs provide a great starting point, but entre…
For SMEs searching for cash – angel investors are hungry for opportunities. Doron Ben-Meir, Prescient Venture Capital’s chief e…
To help businesses get through tax time, we’ve asked some expert accountants about how SMEs can survive tax time unscathed and even come out…
Depending on your definition of cheap, here are some useful marketing ideas that I have used that have worked well (and I’m super cheap!). …