A hike in interest rates could have a “serious impact” on small retailers ahead of the Christmas trading period, an industry body has wa…

A hike in interest rates could have a “serious impact” on small retailers ahead of the Christmas trading period, an industry body has wa…
I know, I know. It only seems like a few months since the last financial year ended, and you’ll be very happy if you never have to talk to…
The South Australian government has followed the lead of Victoria by announcing plans to appoint a small business commissioner. The co…
There is no such thing as a good tax. Winston Churchill …
Start-ups’ prospects of securing credit appears to be gradually improving, with a new report predicting there will be “strengthening” …
The National Tax and Accountants Association has hit back at a financial planning body that dismissed its attempt to gain a bigger foothold …
A new association is set to help small firms frustrated by regulations that prevent them from getting comprehensive financial advice from ac…
Victorian small retailers are avoiding costly legal action by increasing their use of official mediation channels, a new report has revealed…
In the wake of a much anticipated election result and minority Labour government coming into power, small business is left wondering where a…
A little-known decision by the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board could provide budding entrepreneurs with the chance to capitalise upon consumer…
Australian technology start-ups could be boosted by the launch of an international network that aims to provide funding and research for the…
The strength of the Australian dollar may trigger a rush on board shorts, oversized cameras and garishly-coloured shirts, but the situation …