Take a course

The Taskmaster - Growth and LearningYou might think that there is very little that someone like the Taskmaster has left to learn. That’s largely true, but it never stops me from expanding my mind and my horizons. Just recently I have taken lessons in Jujitsu, the lost languages of Finland and banquet cooking. My thirst for knowledge is never quenched.


Unlike many entrepreneurs I meet. They seem to start a business and immediately decide that they pretty much know everything. No need – and more importantly, no time – for training courses or seminars.


Rubbish. Spending a morning or even a few hours on a seminar or training event can be hugely rewarding. Pick something you are not great at – sales, management, understanding financial accounts – and find a course that can help you improve your skills.


I will guarantee that you will pick up at least one nugget that you will be using for years to come.


And while my suggestions of courses to take might sound a little outlandish, take a lesson from serial entrepreneur Brendan Lewis, who likes to do an “out there” course every year. So far he’s done welding and sausage making, which he says have given him some different perspectives on how to approach problems.