STEM education — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — is the key to Australia’s future growth argues PwC’s Asia bos…
STEM education — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — is the key to Australia’s future growth argues PwC’s Asia bos…
The 2015 SpaceApps Challenge Adelaide, a space-themed hackathon organised by NASA, has highlighted the growing potential of Australian spa…
Most industries are vulnerable to digital disruption of established business models, including public sector services. The question is wheth…
Now in its third year, the UNSW Startups Games has given over 80 individuals an intense entrepreneurial experience – four full weeken…
Brisbane is set to host Australia’s first Startup Weekend focusing solely on the health tech sector, with organisers expecting over a hund…
Australia’s economic future can be bright. The 2015 Intergenerational Report (IGR) says that in 2055 our pay packets will on average, b…
According to the Intergenerational Report (IGR) released earlier this month, Australia’s future productivity and prosperity depends on fou…
Being stuck in bed, waiting for the flu to run its course, is pretty unpleasant. And it’s also really boring. What else is there to do but…
Sydney will soon see a co-working space dedicated to people under the age of 28. Not-for-profit youth organisation Vibewire has run a co-…
A PhD student at the University of Technology, Sydney has been awarded the 2015 Fulbright Indigenous Postgraduate Scholarship to advance his…
An Australian IT company has built a prototype that may give voice recognition technology a much needed shot in the arm. The algorithm, d…
Corporates are paying more attention to startups but there is still a long way to go when it comes to the two collaborating, according to a …