Scale aims for growth with PwC alliance in good news for both female founders and investors

Scale Investors, the female-focused angel investor network founded a year ago, has announced a partnership with PwC that will see the accounting powerhouse host Scale events and provide support in the way of a full-time manager to Scale.


Scale has to date attracted 40 angel investors in Melbourne, but aims to grow its national presence to 75 Scale Angels over the next 12 months, with financial contribution from PwC helping support operational costs of that expansion.


The partnership sees Sean Gregory, PwC managing partner deals and a member of the PwC executive board, being appointed to the Scale board.


“We’re inspired to support Scale’s purpose to create investment opportunities with female entrepreneurs with great business cases, and impressed by the incredibly professional approach and team”, said Gregory.


PwC’s contribution includes hosting Scale events (in Sydney immediately and in Melbourne from July 1), and its Deal’s business will provide a manager on a full-time rolling secondment basis to Scale.


Scale says this complements the existing support from corporate partners Norton Gledhill and Morrows and grant funding from the Victorian government through the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation.


PwC is already a significant contributor to the startup and innovation sector through a number of initiatives – their creation of the digital platform AskU, the mentorship offered through the University of Technology of Sydney Entrepreneur platform, the publication of reports such as the StartUp Economy, hosting numerous sessions for the angel and VC industry on issues such as tax and investment funds structures as well as significant client advisory assignments.


The Board Diversity Scale Board of Susan Oliver, Carol Schwartz, Annette Kimmitt and Laura McKenzie welcome the addition of Gregory and looked forward to benefiting from his perspectives.


In a statement on the partnership, Scale says there has been tremendous appetite from women as investors.