Ignore your emails for the morning

TaskmasterLet’s start this week off right with a simple task.


This morning, you are going to avoid looking at any emails.


It sounds simple, but I bet you find it very, very difficult. Many entrepreneurs spend hours each day reading and responding to emails, and feel that it’s their lifeline to the world.


Except for one thing – what benefits does email actually deliver?


How many sale deals have been closed via email? How many strategic decisions have been made on email? How many important conversations with staff have been held over email?


None, of course.


So here’s what to do. Switch off the email and spend half the morning talking with your direct reports about what you are going to do by the end of the week.


Spend the other half of the morning calling current and prospective customers.


Your emails will still be there at lunchtime. And nothing is that important that it can’t wait.


Get it done – today!