Help your workers stretch – literally

The Taskmaster - Stretching and Health and SafetyDown here at Taskmaster Enterprises I am often talking about stretching my employees, both in terms of their skills and well, their muscles.



While occupational health and safety policies are often focused on making sure big risks are covered off, smaller problems such as the ergonomics of your office equipment can fall by the wayside.


This is not good management. Many of your workers will sp Taskmaster: Occupational Health and Safety – Stretch Musc end their day sitting at their desk, so it’s important to make sure they are physically comfortable and not putting stresses and strain on their business.


In concert with this, encourage some healthy work practices around the office to keep everyone in tip top shape.


Encourage staff to take short, regular breaks to ensure they remain focused and fresh and suggest that workers regularly stretch their necks, backs, shoulders, legs and even their eyes.


If you are looking for some suggested exercises, the Victorian Government’s Worksafe authority has some good suggestions which you can find here.


It’s a small thing, but it’s important, so get it done – today!


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