Set up a weekly email for customers

The Taskmaster says send an email!In some businesses – particularly service businesses – finding an excuse to talk to your customers regularly is a crucial first step in the sales process.



Common reasons for getting in touch with customers might include a special offer or sale, a reminder about a seasonal promotion (for example, at tax time or Christmas sale) or information about an event.


However, this means communication with customers is hardly regular, and customers won’t have you front of mind.


One way to get around this is to set up a regular weekly email for customers. But instead of focussing on sales and special offers, add a bit of value to their day by linking to articles about your industry, commenting on recent developments and generally showing a little thought leadership.


This will ensure they actually read the email, and don’t just discard it as a sales pitch.


Of course, you will need to do it properly – make sure customers have the ability to opt in, and make sure you don’t breach any spam rules.


Get it done – today.