Almost 10,000 companies entered external administration in the 2011 financial year, with SMEs among the hardest hit, with a Tax Office crack…

Almost 10,000 companies entered external administration in the 2011 financial year, with SMEs among the hardest hit, with a Tax Office crack…
Australia’s online parenting market is becoming increasingly competitive for start-ups, with new research revealing the majority of sites …
David Parker was working happily as a civil engineer before his entrepreneurial friend in the US asked him to set up the Australian arm of B…
Spanish scientists have created an electronic tongue to identify different types of cava wines, and hope the tongue will eventually replicat…
Two thirds of Australian business owners still believe the carbon tax will hurt their business, according to a new poll, despite a general r…
The Australian dollar fell to 99.29 US cents yesterday as the United States’ credit downgrade continues to alarm investors, although Austr…
Queensland start-ups have been urged to take part in the second round of a state government funding scheme that provides up to $50,000 to im…
Social networking giant Twitter has acquired US-based online social start-up Bagcheck for an undisclosed sum, with one of the co-founders se…
Australia’s population can be divided into two distinct “tribes” based on their consumption habits, according to a new report, highlig…
A new report reveals Australian exporters are increasing their internet usage in a bid to protect their businesses from the high dollar, whi…
Google+, the search engine giant’s latest attempt at competing with services like Facebook and Twitter, saw 25 million people join the ser…
Australia’s food industry encompasses a wide range of products which, combined with cutting-edge technology, makes Australia a long-term s…