When you are putting in long hours to get your business off the ground, it can be tempting to forgo exercise or even sleep and do a bit more…

When you are putting in long hours to get your business off the ground, it can be tempting to forgo exercise or even sleep and do a bit more…
Basing your business at home allows you to stay closely connected to your family. When the kids need to be picked up from school or are home…
One more hour in bed. One more television show on the couch. One more afternoon brainstorming, when I should be making sales calls. Procrast…
Home-based entrepreneurs need to become very good at dealing with distractions. Yelling kids, family emergencies, and the old trap of the co…
Training staff will help your employees increase efficiency, reduce staff turnover and will benefit your company in the long run. …
Regular performance reviews are essential, and the more often the better. Set up meetings every six and 12 months with each staff member to …
It is absolutely essential you have the right people working together to move the business forward. Make sure each employee understan…
The key thing to keep in mind is that money is not the only motivator. Your staff need leadership, direction and a unique culture to be moti…
You truly need a vision for the business and how to get there. You need to have a clearly defined strategy, and you must be confident of you…
There’s a range of things you can insure your business against and seemingly even more firms that are prepared to provide that insurance. …
Small businesses’ only insurance obligation is to provide work cover for their employees, to guard against injury or death claims. T…
In the early stages of a business formation, extra costs need to be considered carefully but it’s safe to say that you’ll need an accoun…