Your marketing plan identifies your key audience, the best marketing methods you should use to reach those particular demographics, and the …

Your marketing plan identifies your key audience, the best marketing methods you should use to reach those particular demographics, and the …
It’s one of the worst experiences an entrepreneur can imagine – having your business ripped off through fraud. Thousands of small business…
Keeping customers and clients happy should be your business’s main focus. They are the lifeblood of your operation and without them you wi…
If you aren’t meeting your sales targets, there are usually clear reasons why. Don’t sit around and wait for sales to improve – be pro…
You need to offer customers an experience they can’t receive anywhere else. This can range from the quality of your product, to the level …
Your ad campaigns will only be successful if you know your audience extremely well. Your campaign must have a specific focus and speak to a …
Negotiation skills are crucial when starting your business. You won’t have the cash to spend as much as you want, so negotiating discounts…
Most businesses go through times when sales are low. During those periods it’s good to have plans ready to increase activity and keep the …
It was my first day running my own company. I stepped over a pool of vomit on the way into my office, which was in an old factory in Melbour…
The trouble is many companies don’t know what to measure. The result: bad management, mixed messages, confusion and employees focusing on th…
Once you’ve decided what type of PR your business needs, then you can make a decision about whether you need to hire a PR agency to handle…
Whenever you have a news story you believe to be worthy of publication, you’ll need to write up a press release. You can do this with the …