There are plenty of businesses that fail. And it’s important that if your enterprise takes a turn for the worst, your personal assets are …

There are plenty of businesses that fail. And it’s important that if your enterprise takes a turn for the worst, your personal assets are …
You need to be absolutely certain the theft is happening within the staff. You cannot approach a specific employee and accuse them without e…
Getting up to speed with your legal obligations as a new business owner can be complex, but you don’t need to know everything by yourself….
Applying for a trademark, copyright or patent are three very different classifications and each requires a separate approach. When app…
You can protect your intellectual property through a number of different legal methods. But you should be vigilant in also safeguarding and …
You should discuss the matter with the employee in private to determine why he or she feels they must leave. Ask whether the issue is employ…
The first step is to put your decision in writing and hold a meeting with the staff member. You should also consider having a third party at…
Usually a business will fire an employee if they have either clearly broken a workplace policy, have committed a serious crime or have …
You should first be absolutely sure the redundancy is necessary for the business to continue. Fair Work will only accept that a redundancy i…
Recruitment firms are certainly worth using if you feel they’ll provide you with quality employees you can’t find on your own. …
If you are employing casual or part-time employees, you will need to contact Fair Work and get advice on what awards will apply to your indu…
Make a shortlist of your preferred applicants, and then give them clear instructions, such as your business’s location, what they should b…