It’s hard to deny the power of online testimonials and reviews. Positive customer testimonials can serve as a great selling tool. There…

It’s hard to deny the power of online testimonials and reviews. Positive customer testimonials can serve as a great selling tool. There…
Google, Canon and other information technology corporations last week announced they’re banding together in an attempt to fix an allegedl…
We’ve all felt the frustration of staring at a blank computer screen or piece of paper when it needs to be full of ideas or content. In a…
“I don’t know how to cook,” admitted the man sitting on a stool at the front bar of The Commercial Hotel in Parts Unknown. With a…
A recent EU ruling has given internet users the right to request the removal of personal listings on Google and other search engines. Las…
“If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as ma…
China’s booming mobile market is creating lucrative new business opportunities for startups, according to Australian entrepreneur and Koom…
Planes these days! After some recent travelling, your humble correspondent is back. Now, Old Taskmaster enjoys venturing far and wide …
Online health startup Doctus promises Australians a cost-effective alternative for simple, low-risk medical conditions, as controversy rages…
Next month at a European Union forum, the EU will sign to accept electronic signatures. This will standardise the process across the EU call…
A staging manufacturer of my acquaintance reckoned up his finances and realised that a brand new forklift was affordable. He sent out an …
I talk to many business owners about partnership disputes and conflicts. Much like romantic relationships, the big bust-up is often prece…