The Federal Coalition should campaign to exempt small businesses from unfair dismissal laws, according to a Liberal Senator. WA Lib…

The Federal Coalition should campaign to exempt small businesses from unfair dismissal laws, according to a Liberal Senator. WA Lib…
The recent victory of Liquor Stax, a group of family-owned hotels and bottle shops, in its bid to collectively bargain highlights how start-…
A ruling by Fair Work Australia means employers will be forced to “double dip” and award penalty rates for multiple public holidays this…
A record number of people are starting and completing apprenticeships at businesses, new figures show. According to a Federal Governme…
I am the lizard king. I can do anything. …
A mind always employed is always happy. …
Yesterday I was talking to an entrepreneur who is leading a very fast growing company. It seems each week he’s adding new staff and one of…
The ACT has become the latest jurisdiction to declare Christmas Day a public holiday, which falls on a Saturday this year, leaving Victoria …
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has launched an online module for small businesses to help them understand upcoming consu…
Entrepreneurs must ensure they distinguish a business from an income-earning hobby or risk tax evasion penalties, the Australian Tax Office …
Small businesses are better at engaging employees than their larger counterparts because they offer incentives other than big pay packets, a…
Ted Baillieu is wasting no time as Victoria’s newly-appointed Premier, with plans to recall State Parliament before Christmas and challeng…