Starting your own company can be the hardest thing you ever do, but a few words of wisdom never go astray. In fact, there are whole websites…
Starting your own company can be the hardest thing you ever do, but a few words of wisdom never go astray. In fact, there are whole websites…
Go Girl Go for IT, a free upcoming event for high school girls from years 8 to 11 organised by the Victorian ICT for Women Network, aims to …
Like it or loathe it intuition and having a “good feeling” about someone or something can greatly impact our business decisions and the …
Australia’s health tech startup scene is booming, both in terms of interest and innovation, but funding remains a major issue for startups…
Late nights, loneliness, the banks refusing to back you, 80-hour weeks, lost friendships. Here’s a look at what it’s really like to be a…
I wrote an article in May which commented that the rest of the world was not sure how the ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling would be manage…
Last week Stripe co-founder John Collision sat down with SEEK co-founder Paul Bassat and chatted about a wide range of topics including the …
A group of nine people that I am a part of is about to start developing a commercial video game. This will involve a number of brainstorming…
Jack Matthews, the former head of Fairfax’s digital and metropolitan news divisions, has been named as the new chairman of loyalty card ap…
A little while ago, yours truly suggested entrepreneurs could try doing something really radical to make their business names stand out from…
I have two really strong passions in my work life. One is student entrepreneurship and the other is international education. When these two …
Implementing policies which encourage entrepreneurship would help raise the quality of jobs for youth in Australia, according to Ernst and Y…