Companies are confident of a surge in sales and profits in the first quarter of 2011 and expect to take on new staff and add to inventories,…
Companies are confident of a surge in sales and profits in the first quarter of 2011 and expect to take on new staff and add to inventories,…
Small businesses are optimistic about a renewed push for shorter minimum hours for student casuals, despite Fair Work Australia rejecting si…
Half of Australia’s workforce is currently looking to change jobs, a drop on levels seen earlier this year, according to a report by Leade…
The Federal Coalition should campaign to exempt small businesses from unfair dismissal laws, according to a Liberal Senator. WA Lib…
The recent victory of Liquor Stax, a group of family-owned hotels and bottle shops, in its bid to collectively bargain highlights how start-…
A ruling by Fair Work Australia means employers will be forced to “double dip” and award penalty rates for multiple public holidays this…
A mind always employed is always happy. …
Yesterday I was talking to an entrepreneur who is leading a very fast growing company. It seems each week he’s adding new staff and one of…
Small businesses are better at engaging employees than their larger counterparts because they offer incentives other than big pay packets, a…
Dear Ms Manners, Last week you talked about branding yourself. I love this idea and I’ve picked how I want to portray myself, but sometim…
Bah humbug! It’s that wonderful time of year again when everybody has their hand out – the family, friends, staff, even the bloody garba…
Employers could force their staff to work on Christmas Day unless an extra public holiday is declared, according to the Australian Council o…