I’ve just quit a busy office environment to go it alone. How can I make the adjustment to being by myself?

This week’s Secret Soloist answer comes from Jane Shelton, author of No Workplace Like Home.


Jumping off the deep end into a home-based business by quitting your job may not have been the best option.


Did you think through your business plan, how to reach your customers and future business development? Have you put aside a nest egg to give you the necessary capital to make it through the initial phases?


Part of the reason for your difficulty in getting into the right mindset may be due to a lack of structure and planning even before start-up. Stop procrastinating and immediately write out your plan.


A successful start needs forethought and a little bit more than opportunistic luck to make a real go of it.


Now is the time to think through what’s going to maximise the potential of your BIG idea into a money-making venture. Set up your physical workspace and start creating customer relationships for the long term.


Help yourself by starting out how you mean to proceed with the business. Figure out where in the house you are going to set aside a dedicated space for the home office and establish your work environment. Buy your office furniture, and make sure you have the right business equipment and technology.


Plan and structure your business day. If it becomes really difficult, try using the routine from your old office environment – start at 9am, finish at 5pm and see if this helps kick start your home-based business mindset.


If your motivation plummets, keep remembering what excites you about your home-based business and the freedom it represents. Whether you’re converting a hobby into a money-making venture or capitalising on skills from your old job, keep a clear vision and idea of the business to sustain you through any early difficulties.


Ensure you get support from the rest of your family and they understand the difficulties you are facing so they can be part of your cheer squad, instead of thinking it’s an on-going holiday to have you at home. Making sure the family is supportive of the new business will be a major part of your success.