Electronic flowerpot a bright idea

Click & Grow flowerpotEven though plants only need a few things to grow, namely air and water, striking the right balance can cause people to stress out, particularly if they don’t have a lot of time on their hands.


However, Estonian company Click & Grow has created soilless, electronic flowerpots that do all the work by themselves, providing the correct water and nutrient balance for indoor plants.


Each flowerpot is wired with sensors, a processor and software that checks on the plant and provides it with fertiliser and water as needed.


Each pot uses a combination of hydroponics and aeroponics, and still requires an occasional refilling of the water reservoir.


A light on the flowerpot illuminates when the reservoir requires refilling, and the pot uses a pump to nourish the roots over time.


While the pot takes care of water and fertilisation, it’s up to the owner to find suitable lighting, with Click & Grow recommending indirect sunlight.


For those who love plants but have a history of killing them, or for anyone who can’t commit to regular watering due to work demands, an electronic flowerpot could be ideal.


Does this suggest there’s a market for fail-proof gardening ideas? It could be worth planting a few seeds of your own in the industry.