Cardboard bike tipped to withstand the elements

start-up-idea-cardboard-bikeA cardboard bike produced for about $10 won’t conquer mountains, but it will make the morning commute, its designer has claimed.


It’s also water-resistant, lightweight and should last users for about two years, according to maker Izhar Gafni, an engineer and would-be origami champion.


Footage online shows him fashioning the bike out of cardboard scraps. He plans to sell them for about $60.


“I really love bicycles, and when I worked in the United States I inquired in California to see if anyone has already thought of the concept of a cardboard bicycle,” Gafni says.


“To my delight, I only discovered similar concepts based on bamboo… [I decided] to experiment with different materials on cardboard, to find what produces the desired strength and durability.”


If a cardboard bike isn’t beyond the realms of possibility, what other materials could be used to put a new spin on an old product?