I was disappointed to read recently that the Israeli electric car innovator Better Place has massively scaled back its operations and ambiti…
I was disappointed to read recently that the Israeli electric car innovator Better Place has massively scaled back its operations and ambiti…
I’ve run a start-up for a couple of years now and ran my own music company for eight years before that. Anyone who followed our progre…
In these days of online promotion and social media we can forget that sometimes, prospective clients need a physical reminder of your busine…
Cashflow is the lifeblood of your business. As the saying goes “revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king”.
While big revenue…
This article first appeared May 7th, 2012. I moved to Australia from New Zealand during 2000 in my early twenties. Until then, I’d …
This article first appeared May 7th, 2012. Nikki Durkin is a well-known name in the Australian start-up world. Nikki has been featu…
Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain. (Viking, London, 2012, RRP$29.95) “If we assume quie…
If you are an entrepreneur with a blog, you’ll no doubt be keen to learn the different ways to monetise it. Otherwise it’s really just a…
Start-ups looking for cash might consider equity as an option to fund their early stage and ongoing funding requirements. When talking…
As a business owner, you want to be as productive as possible in the time you have; as a mumpreneur, you need to be. Already spread th…
Current research tells us the average person thinks about themselves, and how the world impacts them as an individual, almost every minute t…
You will have to be one of the lucky few (or from another planet) if you have not been to a business meeting where you were bored out o…