Why am I stuck in a dead-end job?

Why am I stuck in a dead-end job?

Dear Aunty B,

I feel like I’m just going through the motions at work at the moment. I’ve been in the same role for a few years and I can do my job pretty well. I’m just doing the same thing every day and I find myself really watching the clock by the end of the day.




Dear Frustrated,

If you’ve been killing time in your job for a while now you may find other people at your work have fallen into line with your low expectations. You need an attitude change in order to reboot your career.

Go to work with a smile on your face and a can do attitude. You will get back the energy you put in. It’s likely that your boss has noticed your attitude and you need to turn that around in order to get the most interesting work. It might mean a heavier workload but that’s better than sitting watching the hand on the clock.

Be Smart,

Aunty B

Email your questions, problems and issues to  auntyb@smartcompany.com.au right now!