What will your tombstone say?

Here’s a simple exercise that may help guide your business decisions. KIRSTY DUNPHEY

Kirsty Dunphey

By Kirsty Dunphey

I was very thankful recently to be in a room surrounded by creative, energised people in my hometown of Launceston, Tasmania. There were ideas circulating a-plenty, but one of them still had me thinking late into that night, so I decided this had to be the one I shared with you.

Graeme Walker, founder of Walker Designs, spoke so passionately about one of his mentors and a tool this mentor had taught him that the entire room went silent as he shared what he’d learnt. The tool was something I interpreted as a great way to prioritise things in your life.

The lesson was simple, but beautifully succinct in its simplicity.

It is: Figure out what you want your tombstone to say after the end of your life; and when faced with a dilemma, remember back to your tombstone and chose the option that leads towards what you want it to say.

Can’t seem to get it out of my head!

I just came across this post from 11 September this year by one of my favourite bloggers Seth Godin, which also reinforces this message.

What will your tombstone say?