The highlight of every weekend I spend in Melbourne is a trip to the magic shop in Southbank. Yes, I’ll happily confess I’m crazy for magic….

The highlight of every weekend I spend in Melbourne is a trip to the magic shop in Southbank. Yes, I’ll happily confess I’m crazy for magic….
So, more and more these days I’m getting asked about social networking/Web 2.0 and what on earth their purpose is. This includes website…
I’ll admit it. I love Jamie Durie. Here’s a man who was famous for his glistening pecks, and his ability to flip over his head while sim…
I had lunch a few weeks ago at a great little restaurant. Our waiter was very well spoken; his restaurant patter flowed from his tongue like…
At 18 I received some of the best life and “interview” advice from my boss at the time, Nick. I was interviewing with him and he asked me ab…
I agree that the best tennis coach in the world doesn’t have to have Roger Federer’s skills on the court. I agree that the best swimming coa…
I’m not outdoorsy. I’ll freely admit it. The thought of camping turns my stomach. In fact, the first time I went camping when I was younger …
I have a budgie named Walt (Walt Disney), I honeymooned at Disneyland, I’ve written articles and more about them – you could say I’m a crazy…
I’m not sure I could ever be in the military as my father was. Blind obedience doesn’t sit well with me, and yet it’s a way of life and a vi…
One of the most read articles I’ve ever written was on Killer Customer Surveys however it’s just been brought to my attention that I’ve miss…
I’m Horrified. That’s right, Horrified with a capital H. I just received this text (SMS) message verbatim [with company details removed]:…
I like to be first in… with my Christmas cards that is. I send them mid- to late-November and I like the emails I get proudly proclaiming …