When so much of our digital footprint is available to any employer with a bit of web-savvy, why do we still bother with resumes? As 160 mill…

When so much of our digital footprint is available to any employer with a bit of web-savvy, why do we still bother with resumes? As 160 mill…
I recently conducted an innovation benchmark survey on a healthcare company and one of its lowest results was: ‘Our culture tolerates an …
Runners and other high-performance athletes share a lot in common with those who drive the wheels of leading companies. They’re passionate…
I was in a Country Road store recently and the following rack of clothes caught my attention. Rather than call these clothes a “sales”…
Leo Apotheker, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, resigned last September after just 11 months on the job – but he left with a $13.2 milli…
Markets around the world are skittish, house price growth is subdued, asset prices are under pressure. RBA chief Glenn Stevens might be busy…
Many people think personal branding is just for so-called celebrities or stars – or even for those who have too high an opinion of themsel…
For 20 years, Simon Kinsella has treated burned-out executives. Eight years ago, when former stockbroker, Greg Burns, walked through his doo…
Barack Obama has thrust income inequality into the centre of this year’s presidential election, using his recent State of the Union address …
For me, working in the financial industry and being a business leader often presents some interesting challenges that are, at times, polar o…
It’s a step down, but at least it’s something. The former CEO of Yahoo, Scott Thompson, was yesterday announced as the new CEO of ShopRunner…
Few programs run by the Australian Taxation Office have received the kind of attention enjoyed by the ATO’s crackdown on the use of offsho…