I sat, perched on the edge of my seat, hands clasped together, eyes downturned and, if I’m fair, a bead of sweat glancing across my forehead…

I sat, perched on the edge of my seat, hands clasped together, eyes downturned and, if I’m fair, a bead of sweat glancing across my forehead…
More than a third of the corporate titans who head our largest companies are scientists or engineers, a LeadingCompany analysis has fou…
Perhaps because the word positive automatically brings to mind the insufferable yellow smiley face, the field of positive psychology is stru…
When you’re under pressure and time is as scarce as a kind word from your boss, it’s a good idea to fall back on simple processes and routin…
Vin Lucas, the human resources director for Schweppes Australia, manages the company’s 1800 employees, with 25 reports who help him with t…
For a rising executive, a bad presentation to the board can kill your career progression, says Julie Garland McLellan, a corporate governanc…
Our new, wickedly off-colour humour column features the views of the world’s worst manager, Slithershanks. Enjoy. Slithershanks lea…
LinkedIn is rolling out new-look company pages aimed at being more visually powerful so leading companies can better use the website as a ma…
I heard this line, “successful people finish stuff”, at a training conference recently. I’m sorry, I can’t even remember who said it, just t…
Remember these names: News Corporation’s Rupert Murdoch, Wesfarmers’ Richard Goyder, Atlas Iron’s Ken Brinsden, and Bank of Queensland…
Is it the fact we are an island nation? Is it the fact that our ancestors arrived here as boat people? Is it some sort of deep, spiritual co…
While Chicago University’s Booth School of Business took out the top gong in The Economist’s annual ranking of MBA programs, released to…