As I reached back before heading to the gym, hairband in hand, to put my hair back in a ponytail, I realised how ingrained that habit was in…

As I reached back before heading to the gym, hairband in hand, to put my hair back in a ponytail, I realised how ingrained that habit was in…
Independent company director, Kirstin Ferguson, has won four awards in her professional life that have taken her overseas, built her network…
Last Wednesday I received an invitation from the Prime Minister’s chief spinner John McTernan to attend Christmas drinks at Kirribilli House…
No. No, no, no. I cannot believe it. But, unfortunately, it is true. The influential women of social media who were invited to the house of …
It’s a common refrain in the business world: networking is the key to success. Building relationships is pivotal. It’s not what you know, bu…
Most executives only notice that the holiday season is approaching when the pace increases from crazy to certifiable. Planning holidays is r…
Working with sponsors trumps working with mentors when it comes to climbing the leadership ladder, according to a number of company director…
Slithershanks looked coldly out the window, his expression resembling a Charles Bronson glare, only without the intelligence. It was a fears…
Time is running out to get all your holiday reading in order, especially for those who buy books online. We asked our expert contributors wh…
A pipeline of female talent is available for board positions, but may appear narrower than it actually is due to traditional ideas of what a…
It’s easy to coast along on cruise control. To be reactive, waiting for the competition to move first. This sort of strategic positioning is…
This is the word I use when I’m angry/frustrated/annoyed. Usually, I’m partially to blame and I certainly was this weekend past when all I c…