I run a small business and feel that I want to make my staff (eight altogether) happy.
My staff are paid above-award wages and a…
I run a small business and feel that I want to make my staff (eight altogether) happy.
My staff are paid above-award wages and a…
Many victims of the giant Ponzi scheme run by fraudster Bernie Madoff had waited a long time for their day in court. Nine victims stood up t…
I don’t know why, but the thought enters my head and I can’t stop thinking about it. Is it that I am exhausted that I keep saying to myself …
I have a lovely team leader who gives time to her team and to the clients. The only problem is that her paperwork suffers as a result. Payro…
I love this expression – because it is so visual! The Elephant in the Room is the thing that is there but that no one talks about – and it c…
Stop right there. Are you planning in the near future to let anyone go, make someone redundant or have a discussion with an employee on flex…
Small business groups have issued a blunt warning to small business owners just two days out from the start of Rudd Government’s new Fair Wo…
Hi Aunty B,
I work in an organisation that is going through a lot of change and restructure. It’s a very unhealthy work environment and s…
Two days. That’s all the time that is left before the Rudd Government’s new Fair Work industrial relations regime starts, but many workplace…
There is every reason to believe that smart companies are going to expand their business base next financial year if they focus on three key…
Sometimes different departments in your company may not always see eye to eye. If that’s the case, you may need to step in before it gets o…
Dear Aunty,
I am a proud first time entrepreneur with a one-year-old business forged in the depths of recession!
My question to you i…