You wouldn’t know it when looking at photos of Therese Rein in the press. But she has had a bad year. The entrepreneur who also happens to b…
You wouldn’t know it when looking at photos of Therese Rein in the press. But she has had a bad year. The entrepreneur who also happens to b…
We’ve all heard the scary stats… how many small businesses fail within the first five years… how few survive in the five years thereaf…
Hey Aunty B,Recently on our Adwords campaign we noticed a smaller competitor was using our brand name, which is currently in trademark appro…
In less than a month, Australia’s industrial relations laws will undergo the second big change in six months, with the introduction of the R…
Last night I got called a selfish capitalist. It was not meant in a nasty way. It was an observation made by a young woman who was grappling…
Dear Aunty B, I am a business woman with 30 years experience. And I would like to know why men think I am from Mars. How do I know? When I p…
When it comes to phone calls and face-to-face encounters, we often forget the importance of a winning impression. Even our emails and letter…
Not long after the introduction of the Keating Government’s 1993 Industrial Relations Reform legislation, the then Minister, Laurie Brereton…
During the last week I have had the opportunity to meet a number of really inspiring people including the SmartCompany Start Up Award entran…
Businesses are facing a sharp increase in cases of harassment and unfair dismissal brought by ex-employees under the new Fair Work industria…
Remember this time last year? Desperate employers were in the news as they cut back their spend on their Christmas parties. And many compani…
It’s pretty common to hear the collective song of “fair suck of the sauce bottle”, (thanks Kevinator or was his version ‘shake’?) from som…