Watch out for the first weeks in February for signs that Glenn Stevens and Ken Henry will enter election year with a curb on consumer over-c…
Watch out for the first weeks in February for signs that Glenn Stevens and Ken Henry will enter election year with a curb on consumer over-c…
Hey Aunty B, We are a B2B company and we are surprised by the first few weeks of January. We are on target to have a ‘normal’ month in sales…
Every entrepreneur knows the feeling – you’re on holidays, but you’re keen to ensure that the weekly meeting runs smoothly. Perhaps record…
Not long ago I was asked my advice on the 10 ways I would invest $10k into my small business if I was just starting out. In my experience it…
Hi Aunty B, I have been reading your column since the SmartCompany site launched a few years ago and I’m a big fan of yours. I am a foun…
Here are 12 easy and very simple ways to improve your customer service. 1. Find out your customer’s birthday and incorporate a way to s…
Dear Aunty B, I have had a major awakening over Christmas when I had my first real break (two weeks) for two years. I am a burnt out wreck!…
Times are tough these days – financially and with a wide range of disasters happening more frequently in our lives. Many of us are being t…
Dear Aunty B, Over Christmas I resolved to finally sack two key staff who have been under-performing for years, despite repeated warnings, …
Dear Aunty B, I am 45 and want to retire. I am sick to death working 14 hour days and collapsing in a heap on the weekends so I have come u…
Today I’d like to agree with my esteemed fellow blogger Michael Yardney (although there will be some things concerning in…
The next few months are going to be critical for all smart companies that have weathered the global financial crisis, reviewed their 2…