I recently met with the senior management team (SMT) of a medium size national Australian business. We discussed many HR related topics with…
I recently met with the senior management team (SMT) of a medium size national Australian business. We discussed many HR related topics with…
Elon Musk may possibly be the world’s coolest chief executive and billionaire, but he’s also reportedly a ruthless boss with high expectati…
Wounds from aggression and bullying can heal with time and absence from the source of the problem, but this won’t cause the issue to disappe…
He was already known as one of the greats of tennis and on Sunday evening, Roger Federer once again showed he is all class.
In three-and-…
The recent resignation from the Fair Work Commission by Graeme Watson is a brave and welcome decision. Watson’s comments, including his be…
The Fair Work Ombudsman has revealed multiple cases of non-compliance with Australian workplace law across 24 Pizza Hut stores in Australia,…
Pizza lovers are claiming “false advertising” following confusion over a 15% public holiday surcharge at Domino’s that some have labelle…
Australian small businesses would be better served by a single small business award or code of practice in place of the complex Fair Work Ac…
Culture is less about glow-in-the-dark ping pong tables and free pizza than it is about “enduring values”, and despite what many founder…
I recently read that over 50% of Australian businesses have a company uniform that employees must wear. The main reason for businesses imple…
We all know someone who just never manages to be somewhere or do something on time. Often it is managers and the most senior leaders and it …