In light of new legislation, HR managers should be tasked with a business’ modern slavery compliance
With the enactment of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 on January 1, 2019, Australian businesses, large and small, are under the microscope.
Natural leaders: Why more women should become the boss
The number of women in key leadership roles in business is growing, but that number is still lagging well behind that of men.
‘You’ll go bankrupt!’: How this small-business owner defied critics to introduce gender-neutral, paid parental leave
Most of Nikki Beaumont’s employees are women, so she didn’t think paid parental leave was feasible for her small business — until she crunched the numbers.
Labor announces crackdown on businesses employing foreign workers, hiking costs more than 50%
Labor has announced a crackdown on businesses employing international workers will be on the cards if it forms government on May 18.
Six steps to become a famously good negotiator
Mastering the art of negotiation can literally change the results on your profit and loss sheet and inspire confidence in your people.
How better communication can boost productivity by 30%
Enhanced productivity is an elusive goal that many business owners strive for. Here are six communication tips that can boost your efficiency.
Why ‘Orwellian’ performance monitoring is crucial to building an ethical company culture
The professional behaviour of staff needs to be monitored closely — much more closely than it is in most businesses today.
The age of lifelong employees is dead: Why contractors are the future
It doesn’t matter how cool a company’s offer is, because talented and technical contractors don't want to sign away years of their lives.
“Domino effect”: Businesses warned about contractor arrangements in wake of unfair dismissal case
A recent Fair Work Commission case serves as a timely reminder about the possible dangers of poorly defined independent contractor relationships.
“Good enough is not good enough”: Why Roxy Jacenko is wrong about Australian workers
Sweaty Betty PR founder Roxy Jacenko has made headlines for calling Australians “lazy” for not being willing to work all hours of the day.
In the zone: Why the world’s most successful entrepreneurs are embracing ‘flow’
Flow is now firmly at the zenith of peak performance training and certainly a pivotal ingredient to high-performing teams.
Let go and grow: How to overcome the challenges stemming from business growth
In the short space of three-and-a-half years, we went from doing all the day-to-day tasks ourselves to directing a team of 21.