Money causing stress at work

A new survey shows nearly nine out of every 10 Australians feel stressed, and blame their feelings on their workload.

The new survey, which was conducted by Newspoll and commissioned by Lifeline Australia, also found that finances, health and personal relationships increased stress levels.

While stress levels in the latest poll have declined from last year, dropping from 91% to 87% in the 1,200 respondents, four out of 10 say they experience stress levels that are unhealthy.

Almost 75% of those who were stressed said work was the major reason, while 66% said finances were a major stress factor and 20% of those were “highly stressed” about money.

Women were more likely to be stressed than men, while living in large cities was likely to lead to more stress than living in a country town.

Lifeline Australia chief executive Dawn O’Neil told that too many people are becoming overly stressed.

“We know that small amounts of stress can sometimes help us but … we are no longer just feeling a little bit of stress,” she said.