Power Play: When you give doubt to your power …

Doubt is a very damaging, rather insidious part of the human condition. When you give doubt to your power you give power to your doubt

It’s tough to beat down and even tougher to ignore that voice in your head that tells you all the bad stuff. It can take a great day and turn it into a bad one: simply by placing in your head all the nervousness that comes with uncertainty.

Power Players know when to stem the tide of doubt and have a way of turning it around and marching it straight out the door.

A little bit of doubt can very quickly grow into an ocean of doubt and Power Players know how to stem this tide.

They ask themselves the one critical question: is this doubt founded on some truth I’m missing or avoiding (or even lying to myself about) or is it a way to sabotage success because I think I’m not worthy?

Big questions? Sure. But Power Players always know the type of doubt they’re dealing with.