Power Play: When it’s going well, push it. When it’s going badly, go home

Power Players are outstanding at playing this one out.

When luck, karma, energy and goodwill are on their side, they push the pedal to the floor and eke out every opportunity possible. They see the window and they jump right through it.

They also understand that these opportunities come along all too infrequently and they should be exploited when they do.

Power Players also know never to tempt fate. When it’s simply not working and nothing that they’re doing is helping, they pack up and go home.

Most of us are incapable of walking away when actually it’s the best thing to do. We think it’s noble to hang in there and try to turn the situation around. We’ll put ourselves through excruciating pain in order to prove some type of insane point. We’ll never give in.

But giving in is sometimes the best option. It can stop all unnecessary effort and allow you to regroup and wait until the timing is on your side.