How much knowledge and how many great ideas go untapped in organisations because people are fearful of stepping out of line? This…

How much knowledge and how many great ideas go untapped in organisations because people are fearful of stepping out of line? This…
A good business leader knows when to follow; when to accept that the professionals you’ve hired really do know better than you. I hea…
The Workplace Authority director has admitted that more AWAs are arriving in her office for checking against the fairness test than the offi…
You’ll be caught in the price-cutting rut as long as your offering is similar to your competitor’s. There are plenty of ways to set your…
Remember this blog – by mid-September we will know if my mid-October warning is looming. PortentsGrab your red pen and mark mid-Septembe…
Now is a good time for small businesses to start laying out what they want of government. My own suggestions range from dismissal to mentori…
We’re in a digital age, so of course employees will communicate through networking sites. Does that mean their employer is not engaging th…
As business owners and CEOs, we need to review culture and determine what aspects of culture are benefiting business and what aspects are ho…
Stuff happens. It is how we deal with that stuff that makes the difference. I have been doing lots of speaking engagements lately. W…
Welcome to our new two tier world, where the rich and princely salaried classes stand to gain even more while the small business operators a…
There’s never enough time to do all the things I want, so I’ve learned how to make the most of what I have, and that begins by knowing w…
When I choose where I spend my time, I choose powerfully, without regret – and I coach myself regularly on what (and who) is really import…