Don’t be rude: How to subtly but firmly say you’re worth more

This follows our advice about when to negotiate pay when starting a new job, published yesterday.

So here’s where we left off: you’ve been offered a job but haven’t signed anything yet.

To indicate you’re worth more, put it in writing, beginning by briefly saying how excited you are to be working at the company and what you are looking forward to bringing to the role.  

Then, bring up your pay concerns, phrased something along the lines of: “However, I feel that given my experience and capabilities, I should be paid $90,000 for a role such as this.”

End your email there. Don’t equivocate. Keep it nice and simple. And patiently wait for a response. It might take a day or two, but it’s a prolite, professional and firm way to show your would-be employer what you think you’re worth.