Out of the crucible

As I sit down to write my first blog after my break, all the topics that I have on my list seem trivial compared to the tragedy that is unfolding in Victoria with the bushfires.

The changes and challenges that individuals and communities are facing will be felt for years to come, and will test our resilience and spirit to the core.

The sense of community that has emerged reminds us that together we do better. When we work in unity with others we all benefit and achieve amazing things.

This is evidenced by the stunning effort of $2 million raised in one day (Red Cross and radio appeals) in the midst of a financial crisis.

It also takes us back to the fundamental principal that our core motivations are essentially the same.

  • What if we held on to this knowledge?
  • Would you operate differently?
  • How would this benefit your work and family dynamics?

Take five minutes now to reflect on this, and write whatever comes to mind. Just let your pen do the writing and see what emerges.

Now, write down your top strengths, the ones that are most satisfying to you to give to your family, friends and colleagues. Do this so you know what it is that you have to offer.

Complete this exercise by writing down the top strengths of the people that are important to you (family, friends, colleagues and employees). Share this with them so that they know and understand what they bring to your relationship and/or business.

Think about how you can best use your strengths and the strengths of those around you to achieve amazing things.


Pollyanna Lenkic is the founder of Perspectives Coaching, an Australian based coaching and training company. She is an experienced facilitator, certified coach and a certified practitioner of NLP. In 1990 she co-founded a specialist IT recruitment consultancy in London, which grew to employ 18 people and turnover £11 million ($27 million). This blog is about the mistakes she made and the lessons she learned building a business the first time round and how to do it better second time round. For more information go to www.perspectivescoaching.com.au


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