Lauren Davie: Refuse to believe that you can’t be great

Lauren Davie: Refuse to believe that you can’t be great

Lauren Davie is one of the founders of Those Girls, an up and coming boutique beverage company that specialises in iced tea and hot apple cider. Lauren and business partner Elena Andoniou appeared on Shark Tank Australia and secured investment from tech guru Steve Baxter. Lauren is helping lead the way for young female Australian entrepreneurs.

I was one of those people who never know what they wanted to be when they grew up. All I knew is that I wanted to be ‘grand’. Dedication and determination became my best friends.

I’m most inspired by those who refuse to let the world tell them they can’t be something great. Everyone can be great, and these women have proved it: Oprah Winfrey, Shama Hyder and Ursula Burns.

Me. It is too easy to get caught up in what others think of you. The only person that is truly responsible for your happiness and life achievements is yourself. So, I wake up every morning and set myself goals. Some that I think are achievable, and others that seem impossible. When a goal becomes a reality, I take a moment to smile and say, ‘wow, I really did that’.

A lot of my motivation and determination stems from the fact that gender plays no role in your capabilities, unless you let it. Every time I see a woman that has achieved some form of greatness, it pushes me to try harder and be better. I owe my success to all the brave women who have paved the path for our generation of women to flourish.

I admire those who are brave, driven, aren’t afraid to say ‘yes’ to an opportunity and can remain uninfluenced by the negative restraints of society.

Master the skill of time management. Set rules to turn your phone off at certain times every night and always make sure you are present in the moment so you can enjoy it. Don’t use your leisure time to think about work.

A picnic in the afternoon sun at the botanical gardens with my loved one followed by the open air cinema. 

Steve Baxter. The greatest mentors are those that believe in you, give you confidence and have the experience to warn you when you are heading in the wrong direction. Steve is brilliant at this.

1) Determination. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

2) Thick skin. Ignore the negatives, focus on the positives and create a constructive outcome.

3) Problem solving skills. Absolutely priceless in business.

I want every single woman to feel empowered and know that she can achieve anything. All women deserve to feel confident in themselves.

Problem solving. You learning very quickly that very few things work out as smoothly as you imagined in your head. Every day has a new problem to solve.

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Dream big.

3) Be prepared to work really hard.

3) Enjoy the journey. Always take the time to smile and laugh.

This article was originally published on Women’s Agenda.