I want to start a new business but where do I start?!

Dear Aunty B,

I’m a 30-year-old female with a full-time job in a managerial position at a reputable digital ad agency. I’ve been in advertising for nine years now and am getting really tired of it.

I’m thinking to start a new business venture with my fianc

Dear AW,

We all get sick of our jobs. On some days we hate our jobs. But does that mean we should start a small business? Nope, it does not. And here is why.

The best businesses are started by people who actually don’t want to start a small business. But what happens to the poor unfortunate wretches (like me) is that they stumble across an opportunity. An idea. A demand in the market. An unmet need.

And the desire to fulfill that unmet need grows and grows and grows and becomes like an overwhelming irritant that they can no longer fight. It begins to take over their life even though they know deep down a little voice keeps telling them they are NUTS to leave their safe and secure job and all their friends and regular pay check and eating lunch at the same time every day to start their own business!

But it is too late. By now they are thinking of the opportunity every day. They start to talk about it every day. And they start to research their new venture while they are at work, after work, late at night, neglecting their partner and their children and their friends and their workmates.

And they start to lose focus and add up numbers in their head at night as they dream of chasing the opportunity. Until it becomes too much. And they….

…hold their breath and take the LEAP!

That’s how you start a small business, not because you are sick of your current job.

So marry your fianc


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