Learn. Work. Repeat. The value of lifelong learning in professional industries

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New adult education is short, it’s specific, and it’s co-designed by educator and industry. Download this free eBook to find out how you and your business can benefit from lifelong learning.

The nature of work is changing. We’re seeing digital disruption and a shift towards more non-routine, cognitive-based jobs requiring new skills and constant evolution.

Careers are getting longer because of increasing lifespans. Approaches to education need to shift towards lifelong learning that equips employees with crucial skills. The labour market is changing and 21st century careers are challenging our expectations.

This report shines a light on three professional industries:

  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Service
  • Financial and Insurance Services
  • Information Media and Telecommunications

These three market industries have the highest levels of university-educated employees and can reveal the benefits of and barriers to lifelong learning.

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RMIT Online

RMIT Online was created by RMIT University to provide a world-class digital learning experience at the nexus of business, design and technology, leaning into future of work needs to equip students with in-demand skills and qualifications. RMIT Online teams up with industry thought leaders and experts to deliver the best in flexible education using the latest digital tools and technologies for a highly interactive, virtual cohort experience.

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