The Victorian government's new payroll tax levy for large and medium businesses is counterintuitive to previous efforts to reduce payroll tax in the state.
Under changes announced in yesterday's state budget, businesses in Victoria with payrolls of more than $10 million will have to pay an additional payroll tax surcharge.
"The noose continues to tighten around gig economy companies that insist they're not actually employing the people who work — and sometimes die — for them," writes Bernard Keane.
There are many changes that will need to be made before we see a longer term payoff of the patent box plan in bringing some life back to Australian R&D.
Year by year in the leadup to 2005, Australia’s productivity growth had accelerated to the point where in the 15 years to 2005 it had grown 37%. Then it stalled.
Australia’s vaccine rollout resembled what happens when a big corporate tries to compete against a nimble startup. Despite superior resources, the startup inevitably wins.
Peter Strong says COSBOA supports the recommendations in the report and will work with the government to ensure that any regulations make sense and there are no unintended consequences.