Skilled workers are in high demand, so what can Australia do to lure them to our shores?
The workforce shortage means skilled employees are in hot demand and Australia needs to remain highly competitive if we are to fill the gaps so crucial to the prosperity of the nation.
Should your business take a stand on high-profile social issues?
The likely overthrow of Roe v Wade to limit access to abortion in the US has highlighted whether and when business corporations should take a stand on controversial social issues.
Why this accountant says using super to buy your first home is a stupid idea … and stupid government policy
The Coalition's policy will provide a flow of new entrants into the property market, leading to an increase in demand, then upward price pressure.
Adam Schwab: Why I love asset market crashes, and you should too
"This may not be the most popular view among everyone reading this column, but I absolutely love asset market crashes," writes Adam Schwab.
Peter Strong: Why a minimum wage increase will not solve the inflation problem
Any pay rise will create increased costs for employers, who will pass that onto consumers. This will increase inflation and the cycle will continue.
Thinking of taking ‘finfluencer’ advice? You might want to think again
ASIC has begun cracking down on so-called ‘finfluencers’: people using social and other media to peddle financial advice without having the required qualifications to do so.
Speak up or shut up: What to consider when your business is put under a media spotlight
When you’re in the public spotlight over a high-profile issue, it’s a common misapprehension that an organisation must speak to the media — and right away.
Small business needs to know how politicians will address cost-of-living pressures, says COSBOA CEO Alexi Boyd
"What we’re not hearing enough of is what our politicians will do to manage the impact of inflation and interest rates on small business owners," writes COSBOA CEO Alexi Boyd.
Adam Schwab: What we can learn from Domm Holland and the collapse of Fast
After interviewing Domm Holland on his podcast, Adam Schwab writes how he became "entranced" with Holland's story and the story of Fast.
John Durie: The small businesses that now control the source of the big banks’ profits
The real story on bank profits is how these giant financial institutions have let mortgage brokers take control of their biggest profit driver: home loans.
Peter Strong: What can small businesses do about inflation?
Minor inflation can be a useful thing as it tends to slow rises in both the cost of goods and wages, making the economy all very manageable. But runaway inflation is diabolical.
Experimentation and failure fuel innovation, so let’s give each other more time
Great discoveries and new inventions can arise by accident, but people need time to experiment — a luxury many modern organisations don't allow.