Last month I posted a riddle – if you did not see it then check it out before continuing to read: What is it? Thanks to all the emails …

Last month I posted a riddle – if you did not see it then check it out before continuing to read: What is it? Thanks to all the emails …
As the end of year approaches quickly, it’s quite natural as business owners to start thinking about the year ahead. What plans we’ll ma…
Saying ‘no’ more often gives us freedom, power and direction. In fact, one of Steve Jobs’ famous quotes was, “I’m actually as proud …
Under the Fair Work Act, if an employee is dismissed in a “harsh, unjust or unreasonable” manner they may be awarded up to six month’s…
The Seinfeld episode where Kramer “invents” a fragrance is a good example of copyright gone wrong: Kramer: THE BEACH!!! You smell li…
If you’re a web marketer, the easiest way to attract subscribers, leads and customers is to set up landing pages on your website. It’…
I caught up with one of our investors in Auckland a few weeks ago – Peter, a wise chap who’s had a lot of success. Our conversation d…
On September 13th 2013 Voyager I became the first manmade object to leave the solar system. Attached to the spaceship, on a gold disc, is gr…
In spring our thoughts naturally turn to throwing off the sluggish, warmth-conserving slothfulness of winter and getting into shape for summ…
Relationships underpin every transaction in business. Whether it is communicating with your prospects or customers, suppliers or alliances, …
A big indicator of business maturity is admitting that you don’t know everything. In my first “proper” job in the early ‘90s, thr…
Your trademark is literally the official “mark” of your trade, distinguishing you from all other businesses. But registration of your tr…