I’ve based my business around face-to-face customer contact and quality, personalised service. I’m now being squeezed on price by new on…

I’ve based my business around face-to-face customer contact and quality, personalised service. I’m now being squeezed on price by new on…
This article first appeared on September 19th, 2011. I’m located in regional Australia and my potential clients are large distances fro…
This article first appeared on May 20th, 2011. I’m in the process of setting sales targets for my team (I have two sales staff). I k…
Having just returned from a world trip, it was interesting to see what other countries are doing in this respect. My main port of call…
This article first appeared January 19th, 2012. Are there any quick ways to generate sales during the quiet January period? I’ve been l…
Do I need to have any particular sales strategies around Christmas or should I just be doing what I’m doing now, but more of it? The…
This article first appeared on October 28th, 2011. When you’re assembling a sales team, should you look for complementary skills? Or…
This article first appeared on September 9th, 2011. I’m in the process of starting up my business and need to take on some salespeople….
I’m a little overwhelmed by the amount of red tape involved in starting up and running a business. What should I do? Yes there is a l…
Rewarding salespeople appropriately is one of the arts of running a successful sales-oriented business – but it’s not easy. The re…
How soon should I take on an accountant? This question is very dear to my business heart, as it is so critical to be on top of the numb…
Something is happening in Australia that is very interesting. It seems to me that there is a growing awareness that the nanny state doe…