Squeeze every drop

Watch Boost Juice’s Janine Allis, MYOB’s Craig Winkler and other top entrepreneurs talk about getting every valuable drop out of their businesses.

Watch our video of top entrepreneurs .

janine allis

SmartCompany has teamed up with Nine Network’s Your Business Success to bring you lessons from top entrepreneurs, including Boost Juice’s Janine Allis (right).

Every week we take a different theme and share entrepreneurs’ insights, tips, challenges, mistakes and triumphs.

Passion! Unfortunately the word is often hijacked by poorly qualified business coaches or sales gurus to cover up a lack of substance. Just be passionate and your business will succeed, they urge.

Wrong. Passion cannot be manufactured. As Jim Collins points out “In Good to Great”, the best companies do not say ”Okay folks, let’s get passionate about what we do.”

Sensibly, they go the other way entirely. “We should only do those things that we can get passionate about.”

Collins goes on to talk about how Gillette only advertised for staff who were passionate about the company and a top graduate was not hired because she was not passionate about deodorant.

Who gets excited about deodorant? That’s not the point. The passion can be focused equally on what the company stands for.

What does your company stand for?

Watch  Boost Juice’s Janine Allis, MYOB’s Craig Winkler and other top entrepreneurs talk about igniting their passion.


Your Business Success

Sunday 7.30am Channel 9: Australia’s longest running growth business show. Practical business advice from Australia’s leading entrepreneurs applied to real-life businesses.