Sales is a game. Though not a numbers game as some would suggest, it’s more a mental game. Every year, I work with hundreds of sales and ser…

Sales is a game. Though not a numbers game as some would suggest, it’s more a mental game. Every year, I work with hundreds of sales and ser…
You can’t blame the customer if they end up with a solution which is not as good as yours or decide to buy a competitor product when yours h…
Are companies taking longer to make buying decisions or does it come down to impatience on the part of the B2B sales person, in a hurry to r…
Strange as it may seem, customers don’t always know they have a problem or a need. That is, at least, they have yet to be aware they have …
There I stood, three deep in a queue that seemed to be moving backwards compared to the other isles. At the head of the line was an elder…
Some of the most memorable marketing campaigns are successful because they launch using a new medium or concept. And the newest and most exc…
These turbulent, challenging and sometimes volatile times we find ourselves living in are making many of us rethink how we do business, how …
Flash point! A micro slice of space and time where our lives change, forever. This is either a painful moment that haunts us, or a place whe…
The easiest marketing problem to solve occurs where the customer knows what they want and the vendor recognises the need or problem and has …
The advertising services industry is sensitive to changes in economic conditions, which affect the overall level of advertising and promotio…
SMEs are under the hammer. Last week’s MYOB Business Monitor, which showed 40% of SMEs lost revenue over the past year, with average falls …
There they are every day bringing in the deals. They’re always prospecting, meeting clients, networking, making suggestions about how to d…