LinkedIn is about creating and nurturing relationships. It’s a marvelous tool for researching and connecting with people and helps you for…

LinkedIn is about creating and nurturing relationships. It’s a marvelous tool for researching and connecting with people and helps you for…
Your next opportunity to convey who you are and what you do is your vision/mission. We might all argue about the meaning of each but essenti…
Can your business be trusted? Establishing your business as trustworthy might be more important than you think, particularly given that cons…
“Getting Personal” was voted as the Number 12 Sales Trends for 2011. Despite the advances in technology and the rise of the intern…
A logical extension to the issue of what problem we solve and who is our ideal customer is the question of “Who are we?” That is, not onl…
The theme for Barrett’s 12 Sales Trends for 2012 is “Adapt or Perish”. This theme is borne from the turbulent and challenging econo…
Elite athletes, pop stars, top selling writers, politicians, Fortune 100 CEOs all have one thing in common – they hire coaches to help the…
We all tend to relate to people just like us. So when we buy a product or service, we are much more likely to be influenced by someone simil…
“The New Sharing” was voted as the number 11 Sales Trends for 2011. Just think, it was a milestone to have a shared calendar! Well, thin…
In 1988 I watched in horror as my childhood hero Carl Lewis was blown away by Ben Johnson in the men’s 100m final at the Seoul Olympic Games…
If you think about the communication problem with potential customers, if we send out the wrong message, there is no reason to assume they w…
“Sex” – as a consumer marketing and sales strategy – infiltrates our daily lives via advertising, celebrity endorsements, tabloids, …