What sales leader wouldn’t like to see shortened sales cycles leading to more comprehensive deals with better margins? These are just some…

What sales leader wouldn’t like to see shortened sales cycles leading to more comprehensive deals with better margins? These are just some…
Oh, such seductive creatures they are! With eyes wide and wallets open, these people make you feel like the sun is shining a little brighter…
The introduction of quick response codes – barcodes that can be scanned by mobiles that link to extra content – has changed the way shop…
We know that the buyer recognises a need, searches for information to find which products or services will satisfy the need and then evaluat…
The retail industry has been dealt another blow this morning after Luxottica Group announced it would shut more than 100 stores in Australia…
Health products distributor, producer and retail franchise Healthzone is now close to a $5 million sale, after being placed into receivershi…
The pundits (including Barrett) are always reminding sales executives of the need to plan. However, a major miscalculation made by many orga…
All things being equal, relationships invariably win. However, what happens when your competitors are equally adept at developing relationsh…
We often experience situations where different staff within the same organisation have a different view of the problem or need being satisfi…
The retail industry may have suffered a huge setback in December with trade falling by 0.1%, seasonally adjusted, but insolvency experts say…
Underperforming sales people plague sales managers and organisations in every industry sector. Over the decades, business leaders have ad…
Perhaps the best reason for setting expectations correctly is so you can be confident you can deliver on your promise. There is nothing wors…